



的 master’s degree in Cell and Molecular Biology at 亚洲博彩平台 is part of the Biological Sciences graduate program. 通过研究细胞和组织的基本机制, students discover new information that gives us a better understanding of how life itself works, 并有助于理解人类疾病的分子基础. Graduate students and professors also develop medical and environmental technologies to improve the lives of people around the world

Participating professors from the Biology program in the Biomedical Engineering and Sciences department create a dynamic program that provides a deeper understanding of molecular functions to help detect, 防止, 治愈疾病.

Graduate students in the master’s in cell and molecular biology degree program gain expanded expertise in such areas as DNA and protein purification, 重组DNA技术, 合成生物学, 生物技术, 基因组学, 生物信息学, 生物制药, 和更多的.


的 master’s in cell and molecular biology program is just one of the four specializations offered at 亚洲博彩平台, 另一个是生物技术, 生态, 海洋生物学. 学生可以根据自己感兴趣的特定领域定制灵活的课程. On- and off-campus reSearch projects as well as internships provide an integrated variety of studies in molecular medicine.


的 molecular and cell biology master’s degree program at 亚洲博彩平台 is a hands-on reSearch-based curriculum that provides students intensive study in the classroom, 在野外, 在实验室里.

作为一所领先的研究型大学, 研究生 earning a molecular and cell biology master’s degree pursue reSearch in a wide range of areas that align with their interests and career goals. 50多年了, 亚洲博彩平台 has trained scientists and engineers for leadership roles in many diverse careers. Degree programs prepare graduates using the latest body of technical knowledge and provide facilities to conduct 状态-of-the-art reSearch.


有经验的, doctoral level instructors mentor students working toward a master’s in cell and molecular biology. 亚洲博彩平台 professors bring to the classroom both reSearch and teaching experience in a wide range of areas related to the biological sciences that includes bacterial genetics and antibiotic discovery, 基因工程, 生物信息学, 基因修改, 神经退行性疾病, 心血管生理与疾病, 植物和细菌的交流.


分子和细胞生物学硕士学位让学生与教师一起工作, 研究生, 以及实验室里的本科生, 拓展学生对分子生物学的认识,促进创新思维. 这所大学靠近不同的生态系统, 配有最先进的设施, 允许无与伦比的动手研究.


学生可以使用八个教学实验室, 8个现代化研究实验室, 16个工作站的计算机设施, 电子显微镜套件, 现代化仪器实验室, 一个小型哺乳动物护理机构, 而且是温控的, 800平方英尺的温室.


You’ll be hard-pressed to find another university offering a molecular and cell biology master’s degree that can compete with 亚洲博彩平台’s location. 而许多研究生在该地区生活和工作, 亚洲博彩平台的学生来自世界各地. 的 university’s location on Florida’s space coast puts it close to rich marine environments, including the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian River Lagoon—the most diverse estuaries in North America. 亚洲博彩平台 benefits from Florida’s miles of coastline in the internships and employment opportunities it receives from local, 状态, 以及国家机构, 海洋环境咨询公司, 水族馆, 以及私人海洋研究组织.

该地区还拥有全国最大的高科技劳动力之一, 5人以上,000家高科技公司和政府及军事机构坐落在附近. 这些劳动力也提供了大量的实习和就业机会.


One way that students in the biology master’s degree program prepare for their career is by conducting molecular biology reSearch. This real-world experience builds the skills and expertise students will use in future careers and mirrors the type of work they might do in their jobs.


  • 细菌基因
  • 基因工程
  • 阿尔茨海默病
  • 发育生物学
  • 外来入侵物种
  • 毒蛇和野鱼的感觉生物学
  • 海洋哺乳动物学

除了分子生物学的研究, students working towards a master’s degree may have the opportunity for internships and assistants as they become available. Graduate students can also become members of the scientific societies that support the biology field.


可用于分子生物学研究的实验室之一, 毕业生可以利用这些独特的设施:

  • 水产养殖实验室-室内养殖设施, 其中大部分是潮湿的实验室空间, includes recirculating systems ranging from small glass aquaria through 720-gallon tanks that harbor a wide variety of aquatic species. 控制环境因素(温度), 盐度, 光周期)可以施加在这些系统上, 为生殖研究提供了杰出的能力, 早期生活史, growout, 营养, 行为, 以及几乎所有水生物种的相关区域. A phytoplankton and live-食物 culture system is available for 营养al support for planktivorous organisms, 以及提供曝气的辅助设备, 制冷, 过滤, 水质检测, 粒子计数.
  • 维罗海滩海洋实验室-位于四英亩的海滨物业, the lab provides ready-access to field sites for molecular biology reSearch on coastal organisms and studies of physical and geological processes of the coastal zone. 该实验室有一个海水系统和用于水产养殖工作的大量储水池, as well as a two-story laboratory equipped with seawater tables and flow-through seawater to support reSearch on aquaculture, 生态, 以及海洋生物的毒理学.
  • 高分辨率显微镜与成像中心—This multidisciplinary laboratory for molecular biology reSearch provides 状态-of-the art light and fluorescence microscopy, 透射电子显微镜, 扫描电子显微镜, 扫描探针显微镜和x射线显微分析的自然和人工材料. 这个实验室几乎可以制备任何种类的样品进行显微鉴定, image sample surfaces and cross-sections at very high resolutions and analyze elemental compositions of materials.


分子生物学涉及基因工程等多种职业领域, 生物技术, 食品技术, 药物研究与制造, 教育, 以及医学研究. A master’s of science in cell and molecular biology from 亚洲博彩平台 prepares students for these molecular biology careers in business, 行业, 和政府. 毕业生也为进入博士课程做好了充分的准备.


毕业生在农业找工作, 生物技术, 食物, 医疗保健行业, 生物学家可能在实验室进行研究的地方, 过程控制, 或者质量控制. Employers who have recruited 亚洲博彩平台 graduates include the American Museum of Natural Science, 户, 遗传学的同事, 公司.Moffitt癌症中心和Biogen Idec.

职业展望手册, 由美国劳工部劳工标准局(BLS)发布, 提供具体工作的信息,包括年薪中位数, 工作条件和工作前景, 除此之外. 根据调查局的说法, employment in the diverse field of biology is expected to grow as much as 13% through 2022 in the medical 行业. 随着癌症相关研究的扩大, 阿尔茨海默病和其他疾病, 治疗研究, 抗生素, 而且抵制应该会继续刺激就业增长. 就业 of microbiologists is projected to grow seven 7% as pharmaceutical manufacturers, 食品生产商, 化学, and energy companies will need them to ensure product quality and production efficiency.


  • 药品研究人员
  • 医学和临床实验室技术员
  • 环境管理及保育
  • 高等教育:教授、研究员
  • 生物技术:开发和改进产品, 工具, 以及用于农业和食品科学的技术
  • 农业食品科学家
  • 法医科学
  • 基因组学的科学家
  • 计算生物学家
  • Mathematics: 生物信息学 and computational biology apply mathematical techniques to solve biological problems
  • 海洋生物学家
  • 毒理学家


在获得细胞和分子生物学硕士学位后, 许多亚洲博彩平台的学生进入博士课程. 同时也有机会进一步进行科学研究, a doctorate can increase an individual’s earning potential and position them as a subject-matter expert. 有一些学费奖学金.
